We are a non-profit organization supporting enrichment experiences in the arts that go beyond programs funded by the Board of Education.
100% of the donations beyond minimal administrative costs go directly to music and performing arts programs for Simsbury Public School students. With your donations we were able to fund these amazing opportunities in 2022:
• Scholarships and Awards
• Guest Artists and Clinics
• Hartford Symphony Trips
• Town-wide Music Festivals
• Performing Arts Teacher Wish Lists
• Elementary Town-wide Choral Festival
• Adjudications and Transportation to Events
• High School and Middle School Musicals Production Costs

“Music enhances the education of our children by helping them to make connections and broadening the depth with which they think and feel. If we are to hope for a society of culturally literate people, music must be a vital part of our children’s education.”
– Yo-Yo Ma
Due to our generous community members and their contributions, we are able to continue offering amazing performing arts enrichment opportunities and scholarships for our students.
Interested in making a donation?
Your donation to Simsbury Friends for Music and Performing Arts will allow us to keep the arts alive and accessible for our students. When students lives are enriched and well rounded, they become better members of society resulting in a better community as a whole.

SFFMPA c/o Simsbury High School
34 Farms Village Road Simsbury, CT 06070